and some old fashioned camera porn...this is my $10. goodwill olympus 35rc, redone in black paint and genuine black leather. it's a greyhoundman original.

i am feeling somewhat restless these days and if i had the means i would pack up as little as possible and just wander. i would carry 2 cameras and several small lenses and a large amount of film in a bag just big enough. i would travel from one town to the next, working as i needed for travel and film money and document my journey in black & white. i would keep a small journal and fill it with my adventures.
Hi Joe, just dropped in. Nice write up. It's like a window onto a world I know is there but don't know what it is like. Thanks for sharing.
The lead in shot at the deli counter is really nice. Crisp colour to the BW shot. I like it.
thank you for sharing so openly about what must have been an incredibly tough experience. I think facing one's own mortality has got to be the most frightening thing in the world...unless you believe in an afterlife, which I don't. I sometimes wish I did.. as the Beach Boys song goes "wouldn't it be nice...?"
I am joyful and relieved that you are recovering, and still have a job (sheeesh!) Be well my friend and I look forward to seeing you soonish and giving you a big wet smack on your lovely bald head!
Your pal,
P.S: Great new pics - can't wait to see more!
Those are three specific shots which I love Joe, specially the first one (a superb environment portrait) and the girl behind the counter (she's just so cute! ;)).
The black RC is a cutie as well, high quality work, as everything that comes from G'man.
Hi Joe! I was so happy to see more things added to your blog. I love your pictures!! How do you always do it?! You just capture great expressions - I really love the pictures. I cried a bit as a read your narrative and wish that we were not so far apart in miles - maybe in miles, but never far from our hearts. Thank you for sharing yourself, your talents.
This olympus looks gorgeous...I loved you 1st photo in this post. A familiar feeling, makes one feel good.
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